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Have you bought a car on finance?
If you did so between 2014-2020 you could be owed an average refund of £,3,000 per car in compensation


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What the press are saying...

Have you been affected by 'mis-sold' PCP finance?

Countless drivers across the UK, much like yourself, could potentially be entitled to financial restitution following an inquiry by the FCA revealing excessive overcharging on their monthly finance payments.

You may qualify if:

  • Your lender neglected to disclose commission fees or potential early repayment charges in your agreement.
  • The interest rate tied to your agreement was influenced by these elevated commission fees.
  • Your lender omitted to explain the complete terms of your finance deal, including the eventual cost of the vehicle at the deal's conclusion.

Fill out our quick and easy form

Start by entering your details into our simple form

Our expert gets to work

We have an experienced team of legal professionals, thoroughly analysing and pushing your claim

Get your funds back

Where we can successfully complete your claim. We will ensure your funds are transferred promptly

Frequently Asked Questions

Find out in 30 seconds if your vehicle was affected

Simply fill our eligibility checker to see if yue are eligible for compensationl

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